Friday, January 13, 2012

The uphill battle against smoking

My "Law & Ethics" class talked about how the FDA has been trying to deter people from smoking. They went as far as trying to impose big tobacco with a rule to dedicate 50% of cigarette packaging to FDA warnings against smoking.

I'm not a proponent for smoking but there has been no concrete evidence that prove these warnings and images are effective.

Why not?

Dig deeper into the American consumer's mind and you'll find that great American dreams were built because people lived by this motto:


The word "QUIT" carries such a negative connotation. But the FDA and all materials out there keep on telling people to QUIT.

People know that smoking is bad for the health. But they say, "I'm no QUITTER. Never have been and never will be." Now you know why the government is having a hard time getting people to stop smoking? Quit using the word, "QUIT" because...

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