Monday, October 22, 2012

Love vs. Fear

Went to practice Hot Fusion Yoga at Core Power Yoga the other day and the instructor said these words to set the tone and focus of our session:

There are two basic emotions - love and fear. When you love, you have no fear. If you fear, you can't love. You can choose to open yourself up to love and close your fear.

"Fear knocks at the door. Love answers. But nobody was there."

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fast Learning

I know that I haven't been updating my blog on a weekly basis as I planned to. You would think that after grad-school is done, I'd have more time to blog away. Somehow, I find myself in a predicament... Although I don't have any readings or research to do for class, I have a lot of stuff that I'd like to re-read and learn about. The more I read, the more stuff I want to know. The more stuff I know that I don't know and need to learn about, the more readings I want to do. Does that make sense?

Great reads from blogs like Hubspot, Seth Godin, and Marketing Sherpa are piling up in my list of unread e-mails. And then, there are websites like Campaign Asia and TedTalks that have tons of content that I'd like to dive into.

If only there's a way to learn fast like The Matrix movie scene below. That would be super!