Friday, August 17, 2012

And... the Survey Says!

Thank you to all of you who took part on this survey. I truly appreciate your time and honesty. Quite a few of you have expressed interest in finding out what the survey results are.'s what I found:

It's a 50/50 split between Chicago women who would wear their wedding dress again and those who wouldn't, even if they could. Half of us are looking for opportunities to wear that gown once again... while the other half aren't. Which makes me wonder, why not? This calls, perhaps, for another survey?
Nah... how about just tell me on the comment box below?
My wedding dress :)
 Moving on...

Here's what Chicago women have to say about the most important factor when choosing a charity to give to.


Here's who they donated to.

 The good news for charities:

54.8% of survey respondents are "Extremely likely to donate in the next 12 months"
21.9% are "Very likely"
15.1% are "Moderately likely"
  4.1% are "Slightly likely"
  4.1% are "Not at all likely"