Monday, August 19, 2013

My Take on Homosexuality & the Society

Why do we judge, punish, and unfairly treat those who have a different sexual lifestyle than we do?
You say because it's a sin.

Well, guess what.... Your porn addiction, your lies, your promiscuity, and your prejudice are equally sinful in God's eyes. But did society penalize you by not letting you enjoy and share in the health benefits and other privileges that come with being married to the one you love? No.

So, why do we think so highly of ourselves that we dare to decide how a fellow human being deserves to be mistreated when we are just as sinful?

Matthew 7:1
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye."

Let God be the judge of our actions. And until that day of judgment comes, remember to do this each and every day of our numbered lives:

John 15:12
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."


  1. Here is my take on what you just said and the scripture you just posted.

    First of all your statement in this post is judgmental. Writing to judge others and telling them their being judgmental is silly.

    Yes, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God every day. That is why we need Jesus. This is how I handle being a born- again - Bible believing Christian who has a gay brother and a gay cousin.

    I don't argue with them. I love them. I don't have to agree with how they live their lives and they don't have to agree with me. We just live our lives according to our own convictions. We don't try to change one another because that is God's job to change a person.

    I am not stopping anyone from doing anything they want to do. If my brother or cousin wants to marry or date same gender it is honestly none of my business. And if I go to church and believe in the Holy Bible and follow it to the best of my abilities is none of their business.

    We have the freedom and right to believe in different things in this world. That is what makes democracy so great.

    Matthew 7:1 is a great passage on Judgement. The truth about life is we are judged from the day we are born to the day we are put back into the ground. That is life and we know it. I believe for every time we judge we are all aware we will be judged too. It is worse when we play God in the judgement seat because that is leading us to think we are God and we are not.

    And God has our days numbered so we all will face a judgement, But a judgement by a God who loves his children followers. The ones who do their very best to trust and obey His commands, not religiously but with their hearts. We will be judged according to our deeds.

    Trusting and Obeying God is what leads us towards a better understanding as to how He has chosen to individuals to live their lives as he or she see fit. Now, I may never agree with my brother and cousin on their sexual orientation, but it doesn't mean I don't love them and share meals together. I would never do that, I keep them close and I let God be God in their lives.
    Gotta let people live their lives. Nobody likes to be hated on.

    I am not sure if this babbling makes any sense. But I also want to point out that the gay society is peaceful, and usually are not looking for drama or a fight. And today's society if anything is more open to gay marriage and family.

    And I don't know how many gay people you have in your family or circle of friends. But, a lot of gay people respect other people's belief. A lot of gay people are not running their mouths about what is unfair. But instead they live their lives regardless of what goes on or doesn't go their way.

    I look forward to do the Day I see God and receive my judgement day. Because no matter how bad i've been as a human how sinful I've been towards others. I know Jesus has changed me and forgives me and covers me with his blood so I can stand before the Judgement of God and know I am loved and I am clean. We serve a God who is Holy and loving.

    1. The reason I write this is because I have never quite made up my mind on how to view this issue. I'm a Christian, but I don't think that means I just listen to what church leaders say and not think critically for myself. I don't write to judge others. It's not my place. And if you still think that I'm judging others with this post, well you just judged me too by saying what I'm doing is "silly".

      By judging others, I'm referring to bigger actions than just having an opinion. Society at large has put a LOT of legal limitations on the rights of gay people. This, I think, is not right for the reasons I quoted from the bible. Plus, where's the separation of church and state?!

      This post is not a call to hate others. That's why I didn't point out groups or names. I pointed out common flaws that we may fail to acknowledge as equally sinful as the flaws we so easily point out in other people's lives.

      I agree with the rest of your comment, though. We are Christians. By default, we are not perfect. We struggle with our own temptations and sins. But that's okay... this is the essence of being a Christian. To know how sinful we are, how God is graceful to wipe that slate clean, and to know that God is there to help us live a life as righteous in God's eyes as possible.

  2. Yes, I did judge you. That's called life. So I get judged too OH well I'll get over it. We write on the internet and if you didn't realize you'd get called out and judged I have no idea why you write then. I leave myself open to the other's thoughts and judgement it makes things challenging.
    Like I said we are judged from the day we are born to the day we die.

    I don't take offense to the word " judging" because you're supposedly a Sister in Christian who suppose to have love and care for the fellow Christians out there who are on the same team as you. Right now I would see you at best someone trying to go against the Christians.

    I have confidence in my church leaders and pastor to know they are preaching and teaching from the Word of God. I place my trust in the Word of God that is what makes me a Christ follower. I stand where the Bible stands on the matter of sin. Sin all sin not just the ones that are horrible to look at and witness, but the sins that we look pass as well. Gossiping, mocking, and looking down on others. Not saying that is what you are doing, but those are my examples of sins that are overlooked.

    BTW what is a right? I live in the United States of American where freedom is a privilege not a right. Because we know if someone commits a crime they will be placed in prison and on trial and their freedom taken away. SO we know it is not a right. Furthermore, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is a privilege not a right. Then you talked about what is fair and unfair.

    And what is the definition of FAIR? If we are going to talk about fair equal rights for marriage it should not just go for the gays but to the ones who practice polygamy and incest. Shouldn't those couples have rights too? Equal rights for all people then who want to marry their farm animals., they should get their rights too.

    You want to know what else is not fair, being poor and hungry while there are rich people out there stuffing their faces. But you know that happens. Fair to all means being able to give RIGHTS to everybody whether or not you support it or not. What kind of world would that look like? I don't know if I want to live in that world with no boundaries and no laws to support God's commands.

    We are moving towards a World that will allow for more rights for Homosexuals. I don't think our world is moving away from it but towards it, and I'll just stand by and watch it happen and stick to my faith in God's Word and live as loving as possible while still having my feet planted on the ground.

    I don't live myself as a lukewarm Christian I am either hot or cold for Christ and I am on Fire for Him.

    Revelation 3:16
    New International Version (NIV)
    16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

    1. Hmm... where do I begin?

      You say you love your gay brother and cousin. You say we shouldn't judge them. You say if they want to get married to the same gender, that's none of your business. Yet, you would stand idly by as their rights are taken away from them. The right, or privilege (in your opinion), to marry the one they love, to be legally acknowledge as a couple, as a family just like yours.

      I think you are confusing the concept of fairness with socialism. Being poor and hungry versus rich and full is the result of one's choices in life. If everyone has equal rights and resources, then you get the state of North Korea.

      Let me ask you a question. At what age did you choose to be a heterosexual? I think the answer is you never chose. You were just born that way. Then isn't it unfair for a homosexual to not be able to enjoy the same privileges as a heterosexual?

      By the way, marrying another human being (albeit of the same gender) is not the same as marrying a donkey or any other animal. I don't think your brother or cousin would appreciate their significant others being equated with animals in the zoo or the farm.

      I understand your concern about living in a world with no boundaries or laws to support God's commands. I wouldn't like living in that kind of a world too. But guess what... laws have never been able to sufficiently deter crimes and violations of God's commands. That's why our prisons are overpopulated, while people still die senseless deaths out there.

      By all means, live your life according to the Scripture and God's commands. Thank you for the reminder on being lukewarm. I am whatever you think I am as I have no control over your opinions. Good for your church leaders to have such devout followers as you. But I am never one to follow church leaders simply because of their status and because they, too, are humans subject to the same sins as I do. My faith remains in Christ and the Bible. Therefore, please respect the fact that I'm not with the same team as Christians who think their lawmakers should penalize other human beings for being who they are. This practice is contrary to what God has commanded:

      "This is my command: Love each other." - John 15:17

      I think the world will be better off if we stop the hating and start with the loving. As that is the first and most important command from God. Anything else less than loving fully is being lukewarm, in my view.
